Sunday, 24 May 2015

Oleh: Rohmat Muflikhul Huda

Kali ini saya menginstal Ubuntu 14.04  menggunakan laptop dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut:
Quick Spec: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2117U, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT720M 2GB , Camera, 14" HD. Untuk mengetahui spesifikasi laptopnya lebih lanjut dapat Klik disini.

Langsung saja kita kembali ke topik pembahasan utama yaitu langkah-langkah untuk menginstal Ubuntu 14.10 dengan menggunakan VMWare Workstation, berikut langkah-langkahnya.

  • Kemudian Pilih Create a New Virtual Machine

  • Pilih Mode Typical (Recomended) kemudian Next
  • Kemudian Pilih Installer Disc Image To Continue
  • Kemudian pilih Browse dan cari lokasi dimana anda menyimpan Master Ubuntu 14.10
  • Kemudian Klik Next.
  • Setelah muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini, isilah form tersebut dengan beberapa ketentuan yang tertera pada kotak dialog, untuk Full name, isi nama kamu, username: dengan toor, dan Password silahkan isi dengan root.

  • Kemudian klik Next, maka muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini,

  • Kemudian klik Next

Selanjutnya pilih Split Virtual disk into multiple files kemudian klik Next pada tahap ini, maka setelah selesai akan muncul kotak dialog seperti di bawah ini.

  •  Kemudian Klik Finish.
  • Setelah itu, tunggulah beberapa menit dan biarkan Ubuntu menyeting beberapa hal, seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.
  • Pada tahap ini Ubuntu sudah mulai berjalan di laptop teman-teman semua, tinggal menunggu beberapa Konfigurasi yang memakan banyak waktu. Tampilannya seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Entah kenapa ketika saya menginstal Ubuntu 14.10 ini begitu cepat dan ringan di bandingkan dengan versi 11 dan 13. jika biasanya membutuhkan waktu hingga 2 jam lebih, untuk Ubuntu 14.10 ini saya hanya membutuhkan waktu 1 jam untuk menginstalnya.
  • Setelah tampilan beberapa konfigurasi di atas selesai maka kita akan dibawa ke tampilan awal Login untuk menggunakan Ubuntu 14.10. Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Setelah tampilan tersebut keluar, silahkan temen-temen login berdasarkan akun yang telah temen-temen buat di awal tadi, ingat jangan lupa password ya :D, setelah itu langsung Login.
  • Begitu teman-teman berhasil untuk login maka temen-temen langsung dapat membuka Ubuntu dan bisa menjalankan Operating System Ubuntu tersebut, Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini. 

  • Sampai tahap ini, maka selesailah tahapan untuk menginstal Ubuntu 14.10 dengna menggunakan VMWare Workstation. Terimakasih semoga dapat berkenan dan dapat memberikan ilmu serta pengetahuan bagi temen-temen semua, aminnnn.... :D

untuk yang ingin mendapatkan file PDF dari cara Menginstal Windows XP dengan Menggunakan VMWare ini dapat mendownload di sini.
 Download cara menginstal windows 7 dengan VMWare

Oleh: Rohmat Muflikhul Huda

Kali ini saya menginstal Ubuntu 13.10  menggunakan laptop dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut:
Quick Spec: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2117U, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT720M 2GB , Camera, 14" HD. Untuk mengetahui spesifikasi laptopnya lebih lanjut dapat Klik disini.

Langsung saja kita kembali ke topik pembahasan utama yaitu langkah-langkah untuk menginstal Ubuntu 13.10 dengan menggunakan VMWare Workstation, berikut langkah-langkahnya.

  • Kemudian Pilih Create a New Virtual Machine

  • Pilih Mode Typical (Recomended) kemudian Next
  • Kemudian Pilih Installer Disc Image To Continue
  • Kemudian pilih Browse dan cari lokasi dimana anda menyimpan Master Ubuntu 13.10
  • Kemudian Klik Next.
  • Setelah muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini, isilah form tersebut dengan beberapa ketentuan yang tertera pada kotak dialog, untuk Full name, isi nama kamu, username: dengan toor, dan Password silahkan isi dengan root.

  • Kemudian klik Next, maka muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini,

  • Kemudian klik Next

Selanjutnya pilih Split Virtual disk into multiple files kemudian klik Next pada tahap ini, maka setelah selesai akan muncul kotak dialog seperti di bawah ini.

  •  Kemudian Klik Finish.
  • Setelah itu, tunggulah beberapa menit dan biarkan Ubuntu menyeting beberapa hal, seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.
  • Pada tahap ini Ubuntu sudah mulai berjalan di laptop teman-teman semua, tinggal menunggu beberapa Konfigurasi yang memakan banyak waktu. Tampilannya seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Setingan Konfigurasi seperti nampak pada gambar di atas memerlukan waktu cukup lama. Pada Instalan di laptop saya konfigurasi tersebut memakan waktu kurang lebih 3 jam, hehehe saya sampai bosan menunggunya, bahkan sampai saya tinggal cari makan dan menghadiri rapat. Namun hal itulah yang menjadi tantangan buat tean-teman untuk menginsatal Ubuntu 13.10, SABAR Teman :D 
  • Setelah tampilan beberapa konfigurasi di atas selesai maka kita akan dibawa ke tampilan awal Login untuk menggunakan Ubuntu 13.10. Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Setelah tampilan tersebut keluar, silahkan temen-temen login berdasarkan akun yang telah temen-temen buat di awal tadi, ingat jangan lupa password ya :D, setelah itu langsung Login.
  • Begitu teman-teman berhasil untuk login maka temen-temen langsung dapat membuka Ubuntu dan bisa menjalankan Operating System Ubuntu tersebut, Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini. 

  • Sampai tahap ini, maka selesailah tahapan untuk menginstal Ubuntu 11.04 dengna menggunakan VMWare Workstation. Terimakasih semoga dapat berkenan dan dapat memberikan ilmu serta pengetahuan bagi temen-temen semua, aminnnn.... :D

untuk yang ingin mendapatkan file PDF dari cara Menginstal Windows XP dengan Menggunakan VMWare ini dapat mendownload di sini.
 Download cara menginstal windows 7 dengan VMWare


Sunday, 17 May 2015

Windows 8 is the name of the latest version of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business computers, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, servers, and media center PCs. The operating system uses ARM microprocessors in addition to the traditional x86 microprocessors made by Intel and AMD. The user interface was changed to be able to use on touch screen devices other than the mouse and keyboard, so that Windows 8 is designed for touch tablet device.

Microsoft officially released Windows 8 on October 26, 2012 in conjunction with the launch of the inaugural computer using the trial version of Windows 8. Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Release form Preview. On June 26, 2013, Microsoft released a version of Windows 8.1 Trial (formerly known as Windows Blue), an enhancement to Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. On October 18, 2013, Microsoft released Windows 8.1 as a free update to Windows 8.

New Features of Windows 8

  1. Windows 8 UI application design, which can be made from any programming language, such as: HTML / CSS, JavaScript, C, C ++, C #, etc.
  2. The loss of the Start button (replaced by the Start screen and Charms).
  3. Compatible with the architecture of Intel, AMD, and ARM (especially tablets).
  4. Compatible with low spec devices such as Tablets, Laptops, Netbooks, and even Smartphone.
  5. Portable USB (Windows To Go).
  6. Windows Explorer using a ribbon like Office 2010 and 2007, also renamed the 'File Explorer.
  7. Hybrid Boot, features to speed start-up time by storing the Windows core memory to the hard disk and its load of each boot.
  8. Features of return (recovery) new, Refresh and Reset. Refresh will restore all Windows file to its original state without changing the settings, files, or applications Windows 8 UI. Reset will restore the computer to factory default condition.
  9. The new design of Windows Task Manager.
  10. The activation process is easy.
  11. The introduction of Lock Screen (Lock Screen).
  12.  Exchange Windows, as a place to buy or install applications Windows 8 UI.
  13. Application of new Cloud Storage Media called Skydrive.
  14. Antivirus is already integrated with Windows Defender.
  15. Log-In type options are diverse, namely Microsoft account password / local, Sandi images, and PIN.

Edition of Windows 8

1. Windows 8, the equivalent Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium.
2. Windows 8 Pro, the equivalent of Windows 7 Professional.
3. Windows 8 Enterprise, is equivalent to Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate.
4. Windows RT, a version of Windows specifically for the ARM processor.

Windows 8 is available in four editions: one called simply Windows 8, aimed at mainstream consumers. Windows 8 Pro provides additional features intended for expert users and professional environment .Windows 8 Enterprise contains additional features geared towards the business environment, and is only available through licensing volume.Windows RT is only available that have been installed by the manufacturer on the new ARM based devices and built specifically for OS.
Windows Media Center is not included by default in every edition of Windows 8, but is available for purchase as an add -on for Windows 8 Pro, or as part of the "Pro Pack" upgrade for the basic version of Windows 8, which also includes Pro upgrade.Windows Media Center add -on are offered for free until January 31, 2013.

Minimum requirements of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

A. Excess Ubuntu 14.04
Some of the reasons are much better using Ubuntu instead of Windows is:

  1. Price windows are expensive, while Ubuntu free! Apart from simply getting pirated Windows operating system in Indonesia, and the lack of confirmation regarding this piracy, but still you can not just use windows. I sometimes think that if a person uses his laptop to generate a lot of dollars, while the laptop was running pirated Windows OS, then how the laws of dollars that he acquired? This is not a simple issue, given even at the cafe is still widespread use of pirated Windows OS. This excess ubuntu, because it is much safer to install Ubuntu!
  2. Ubuntu has a higher compatibility. It means that the default ubuntu requires less hardware than Windows. In other words, Ubuntu can run on many hardware with low specifications without difficulty (hank, slow, etc.).
  3. Ubuntu has facilities look very impressive. This display can be in 3D settings and create desktop effects we became very attracted people's attention. This has become one of the advantages of Ubuntu for the audience of visual graphics.
  4. Ubuntu Cloud Computing facilities. In the era of the virtual world is unstoppable, someone could have been in demand to display the file anywhere, with Ubuntu one where each person can save the file to free (5GB) then this represents the excess of ubuntu. This file can be accessed whenever and wherever you are. With this facility all your important data will be safe in cyberspace storage (cloud computing).
  5. No Virus Computer. One of the most makes me recommend Ubuntu is, as long as I use it I have never encountered a virus! So all the data we will be safe, and keep safe, flash disk with the virus most dangerous .exe though no problems in colokin to the laptop. Immune Men!

B. Lack of Ubuntu 14.04

  1. Less common for Indonesian society. In this case, the lack of teachers teaching the native OS computers will have made the Indonesian Foreign children with Ubuntu, but the power that is hidden in this OS was amazing.
  2. Small Damage. Ubuntu is sometimes has the disadvantage of some damages due to errors in pengoprasian or when performing settings, but with the number of existing Ubuntu community almost all the existing problems will be able to find the solution in Google.

C. New Features Ubuntu 14.04

  1. Lock Screen: changes become more elegant lock screen no longer monotonous gan, so it is more convenient and enjoyable nih zoom.
  2. Global Menu: Menu maximize and minimize the above will change, if maximize would be in the top right corner when minimized will go along with the application, or we can arrange.
  3. Minimize Launcher: taskbar on windows and unity in ubuntu, if in Windows click the icon of the application can show and hide the application.
  4. Responsive USCU: I think ngadopsi web feature ya, there responsivenya, so pleasing to the eye and easy on the eyes.
  5. Size Launcher: Now we can change the size of the launcher us to measure the 'mini' too big so ga gan.

D. Minimum specifications required by ubuntu 14.04 namely:

  1. Processor 700MHz
  2. 384MB RAM
  3. HDD 5GB
  4. VGA support a resolution of 1024 x 768
  5. CD / DVD or USB installer.
E. For the specifications recommended by ubuntu:

  • Processors are already using two-core or Dual Core processor
  • 1GB RAM
  • The empty space of 10GB hard drive
  • VGA / graphics cards that support OpenGL 1.4
  • CD / DVD or USB Installer ubuntu
  • Internet connection (make it easier for third-party applications)
A. Differences Linux and Windows
As an Operating System (OS) server, Linux was designed to not often shut down in the operation. The Linux memory leak prevention portion received greater attention than in Windows. That is, the availability of the portion of memory that can be used may be reduced in Windows because after all in the not too distant future the system will be run to start all over again.

1. Early development.
          Windows evolved from a micro computer world personal.Karena paced specifically to the needs of the desktop, Windows is very focused on the simplicity of use, approaches to the end user so on. Linux evolved from the Unix world with all the problems of multi-tasking and multi-user. In other words, Linux is designed with the characteristics of a server or high-end workstations. Linux was developed with networking capabilities quite high and since the beginning of his life has been trying to run on a variety of computer architectures, so it does not make the Linux desktop needs as a great destination.

2. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
If viewed from the side of the IPR, SO Windows and most application programs, license ownership (average cost $ 200 USD) is an absolute laden to its consumer. While Linux and programs licensed application on the other hand is free and encouraged users to distribute the software.

3. Completion Program
          Windows does not provide many programs once installed. Even if there may be just Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several small programs lainnya.Sekalipun Linux as well as SO, once installed, will encounter many programs of almost all categories of programs such as Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browser, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc.

4. Program Application
          Windows superior to Office applications-nya.Diakui that Microsoft Office includes a very good tool to work on the PC such as preparing presentations, writing, reports, agendas dll.Linux excels in web server application, proxy server, firewall, mail server, Samba etc.At the application servers generally X-Windows is no longer used in Linux, therefore Linux is usually more efficient resources (memory and disk) in Windows.Sementara compare Linux community is also trying hard to catch up in its Office applications by developing StarOffice led by Sun Microsystems that can be used freely on top of Linux.

5. System Configuration
          Unlike the Windows programs that are ready-made, in Linux there are times when the need to edit the files manually through a command line. But with the PCLINUX Control Center, the system configuration can be done with mudah.PCLINUX have good hardware detection so that almost everything is automated. And almost all of the programs in PCLINUX accompanied by configuration also has ready-made.

6. Support Hardware
          Unlike the conveniences found in Windows, a hardware sometimes can not work in this Linux.Hal can occur because hardware makers do not provide drivers Linux.Untungnya version, lately quite a lot of vendors that already provide support for Linux drivers. And the introduction of Linux to be hardware progressively increasing so began rarely heard in Linux hardware problems.

7. Process Management
          When we press the Crtl-Alt-Del at the time of system running Windows will look a number of running processes. If the count of 10 and a typical user can recognize most of these processes. When we send the command ps ax on a Linux system will be visible statement that there are more than 20 process is running. Those who do not go into the operating system will not be able to recognize most of these processes.

8. File System
          Windows uses the FAT and NTFS. Windows does not distinguish between the use of the name of the file with uppercase and lowercase letters (case insensitive). Windows recognize also the term drive for devices and partitions. Windows has MyComputer as a root, in which there are a variety of drives and devices. Windows also can not read the Linux file system (without the benefit of a separate program). The file system, the file name extension in Windows has an important role. While Linux uses ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs and other sebagainya.Linux can read and write to FAT32, and can read and write NTFS (experimental and utilize a separate project) .Linux distinguish the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the various aspects of the use of the system operation. On Linux, the term drive is not in use. Used is an ordinary directory. When compared with Windows, Linux recognize the root directory (symbolized by /), in which there are various directories and devices. On Linux, the file name extension does not have an important role.

9. Time Operation
          As SO personal workstation, Windows will often shut down when abandoned to save electricity because there will be others who will use the computer. Linux systems are designed to be used jointly by many people. Therefore protection of files and processes belong to a person against another person becomes large portion of the designer's attention. On Linux systems (and Windows NT / 2000 / XP) user identification determine the user permissions. Because it will be found many Linux users who work with the root user (super user name in the Unix world).

10. Protection System
          Because Windows systems typically use a particular person, the protection system files on the computer is not a major concern in the design of Windows. Whenever Windows users can delete, rename, move any file directory location in the system. Login is not a requirement for Windows 9x users. With cancel the login prompt, can be obtained permissions everything. Though equally as operating system (OS) computers, Linux and Windows differ in many hal.Karena are two different worlds, then almost everything can be different. Software designed specifically for Windows will not run on Linux, and vice versa.

11. Handle Crash
          Compared with Windows 95/98 / ME, Linux is much more stabil.Namun if follow instructions well system, Windows XP is also quite stabil.Unix and Linux have the nature of a multi-user.Linux running applications differently with Windows.Ketika an application is locked, mudah.Cukup you can turn it off by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Esc, and can choose which applications (or processes) which are problematic. And if the graphics system is locked, it could move to the command-prompt (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1) and manually kill the process software. Also available is the option to restart the desktop just by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace. It means not having to reboot the system even though Linux is experiencing problems.

12. System Sistribusi
          Windows only know one distribution that is Microsoft.Sementara, Linux know many distribution is a collection of Linux kernel, libraries - library systems, and software - software that is wrapped with the procedure tertentu.Yang distinguish between the distribution could have on all parts of the (different kernel version and settings, software and different libraries), including pemaketannya procedure.

13. Possible Migration
          On the one hand, Windows in its development together with the production line NT servers to Windows 2000 and later Windows XP. On the other hand, open source community continues to develop a graphical user interface to enhance the comfort of Linux for use as a personal workstation. Since the appearance of Windows 2000 and the development of graphical user interface in Linux, Windows equality began to be visible and the Linux operating system for servers and for workstations.

          Migrating users from Windows to Linux and vice versa can not occur spontaneously because of habit hard to break. During the use of Windows and application programs are not hindered by having to pay a license, many Windows users would not switch to Linux. The success of Linux in Indonesia grabbed the attention of computer users rely on the right of the authorities in the campaign for respect for intellectual property rights.

B. Equation Command Or Command Windows And Linux
It turns Linux and Windows that not only had many differences but there are also some similarities just as below:
1. Copy / copy one or more files from one location to another is determined.
Windows command: copy
Linux command: cp
2. Create a directory.
Windows command: mkdir
Linux command: mkdir
3. Change the current directory to another directory specified in the parameter.
Windows command: cd
Linux command: cd
4. Removing a directory
Windows command: rmdir
Linux command: rmdir
5. Out of the box or terminal.
Windows command: exit
Linux command: exit
6. Move files from one directory to another directory
Windows command: mv
Linux command: mv
What is the RFID?
Radio frequency identification, or RFID, is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. There are several methods of identification, but the most common is to store a serial number that identifies a person or object, and perhaps other information, on a microchip that is attached to an antenna (the chip and the antenna together are called an RFID transponder or an RFID tag). Antenna enables the chip to transmit the identification information to a reader. Readers changing the radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digital information that can then be passed on to computers that can use it.

Is RFID better than using bar codes (BARCODE)?
RFID is not necessarily "better" than bar codes. Both are different technologies and have different applications, which sometimes overlap. The big difference between the two is the bar code is
line-of-sight technology. That is, the scanner must "see" the bar code to read it, which means people usually have to steer towards the barcode scanner to read the code. Radio frequency identification (RFID), by contrast, does not require line of sight to read the tag. RFID tags can be read as long as they are within range of the reader. Bar codes have other shortcomings as well. If the label is torn or soiled or has a disability, there is no way to scan items, and standard bar codes identify only the manufacturer and product, not the unique item. Bar code on one milk carton is the same as every other, making it impossible to identify which one might pass its expiration date first.

RFID will replace bar codes?
It's highly unlikely. Bar codes are inexpensive and effective for certain tasks, but RFID and barcode will coexist for many years.

Is the new RFID?
RFID is a proven technology that has been around at least since the 1970s. Until now, relatively expensive and too limited to be practical for many commercial applications. But if the tag can be made cheap enough, they can solve many problems associated with the bar code. The radio waves travel through most non-metallic materials, so that they can be embedded in packaging or encased in protective plastic to leak and greater durability. And tags have microchips that can store a unique serial number for every product manufactured around the world.

What is the purpose of the RFID?
RFID allows data to be transmitted by products containing RFID microchip tag, which is read by the RFID reader. Transmitted data may provide identification or location information about the products, or specify information such as the date of purchase or price.

What are the advantages of using RFID technology?
No contact or line-of-sight is required to read data from a product that contains an RFID tag. This means no more scanners cashier at the grocery store, there are more unpack the shipping box, and the key to getting no more out of your pocket to start your car. RFID technology can also work in the rain, snow and other environments where bar code or optical scanning technology will be in vain.

Is there a standard for RFID?
Yes. International standards have been adopted for some very specific applications, such as for animal tracking and for smart cards, which require encryption to keep data secure. Many other standards initiatives currently underway. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is working on a standard for tracking goods in the supply chain using a high-frequency tags (ISO 18000-3) and ultra-high frequency tags (ISO 18000-6). EPC global, a joint venture company established to commercialize Electronic Product Code technology, has its own process standard, which is used to create bar code standards. EPC Global has filed a second generation EPC UHF protocols to ISO, and have been approved as ISO 18000-6C, an international standard.

Any type of RFID standards?
ISO 15693-Smart Label
Contactless ISO 14443-payment
ISO 11784-Livestock
ISO 18000-frequency range, a wide range of applications

What type of RFID application?
- Tracking for Livestock
- Automotive immobilizer
- Contactless payment
- Anti-theft
- Application Library
- Toll Ticket fast-
- Access Control
- Production / Inventory Tracking
- Retail
- Asset Management

What is the difference between the low (LF), high (HF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF)?
Just as radio tune to a different frequency to hear different channels, RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency to communicate. RFID systems use different frequencies, but generally the most common are low frequency (about 125 KHz), high frequency (13.56 MHz) and ultra-high-frequency or UHF (860-960 MHz). Microwave (2.45 GHz) is also used in some applications. Radio waves behave differently at different frequencies, so you have to choose the right frequency for the right application

Applications for different frequencies:
Applications LF (125kHz): access control, livestock, race time, pallet tracking, automotive immobilizers, animal identification pets

Applications HF (13.56MHz): Supply chain, wireless commerce, ticketing, product authentication, identification clothes, library books identification, smart cards

Applications UHF (860-960MHz): Supply chain, Tags Tool, RTLS, EPC Case and Pallet

What are the characteristics transponder?
RFID tags are small microchips with memory and an antenna coil, thinner than paper and a few mm. RFID tags listening to radio signals sent by the RFID reader. When the RFID tag receives a query, it responds by sending a unique ID code and other data back to the reader. Basically there are three types of tags Passive-Active, Passive and Semi.

What is the difference between RFID passive, semi-passive and active?
Active RFID uses an internal power source, such as a battery, the tag to continuously power-tag and its RF communication circuitry. Active RFID enables extremely low level RF signal to be received by the tag (as the reader / interrogator not authorized tags), and tags can produce a high level signal back to the reader / interrogator. Active RFID tags continue to be supported, both in the field of reader / interrogator or not, and is typically used when a longer reading distance desired tag.

Passive RFID relies on RF energy transferred from the reader / interrogator to the tag to power the tag. Passive RFID tags reflect energy from the reader / interrogator or receive and temporarily store a small amount of energy from the signal reader / interrogator to generate a tag response. Passive RFID requires a strong RF signal from the reader / interrogator, and the strength of the RF signal returned from the tag is limited to very low levels by limited energy. Passive RFID tags are best used when tags and interrogators will be close to one another.

Semi-passive RFID use internal resources to monitor the environmental conditions, but require RF energy transferred from the reader / interrogator similar to a passive tag to power the tag's response. Semi-passive RFID tags use the process to produce a response similar to the passive tags tags. Semi-passive tags differ from passive to semi-passive tags have an internal power source (battery) for this tag circuit which allows the tag to complete other functions such as monitoring environmental conditions (temperature, shock) and that can extend the reach of the tag signal.

What is the difference between read-only and read / write tag?
Chips in RF tags can be read-write or read-only. With read-write chips, you can add information to the tag or write over existing information when the tag is within range of the reader, or interrogator. Read-write tags are useful in some specific applications, but because they are more expensive than read-only chip, they are not practical for tracking inexpensive item. Some read-only microchips have information stored in it during the manufacturing process. The information on the chip can not be changed. A more flexible option is to use something called electrically erasable programmable read-only memory, or EEPROM. With EEPROM, data can be overwritten by using a special electronic process.

How much information can be stored by the RFID tag?
Tags are available with a storage capacity of 512 bytes to 4KB. It really depends on the vendor and whether the tag is passive or active. The data stored in the tag will be determined by the application of appropriate systems and standards. For example, the tag could provide identification for manufactured items, goods in transit, or even short distances location and identity of vehicles, animals, or people. This baseline data is often referred to as "code plate," is similar to the information stored in the bar code label. When connected to a database, additional information can be accessed through the reader such as the number of stock items, current location, status, selling price, and batch code. Alternatively, an RFID tag can carry specific information or instructions immediately available after the reading, without the need of a reference database to determine the meaning of the code. For example, the desired color of paint on a car entering the assembly area paint on the production line, or manifest to accompany the shipment.

Transponders, smart labels, tags. What is the difference?
Initially, in the technical field, the transponder is a term used to refer to an electronic module that is able to Transmit information and respond to information. More recently, different areas in which Radio Frequency Identification is prevalent have developed new jargon to refer to the same thing, such as Smart Label or Tag. "Smart labels" is a highly innovative form of RFID tag and operate in much the same way. However, smart label consists of an adhesive label that is embedded with "inlay" ultra-thin RFID tag (the tag IC plus printed antenna). Smart labels combine a variety of reading and unattended processing capability of RFID with the convenience and flexibility of on-demand label printing. Smart labels can also be pre-printed and pre-coded for use. In the on-demand applications, inlay tags can be encoded with fixed data or variable and tested before the label is printed, while labels can contain all the bar codes, text, and images used in applications that are built. Smart labels are called "smart" because of the flexible capabilities provided by the silicon chip embedded in the tag inlay. A label reading / writing intelligent can also be programmed and reprogrammed to use, following the initial coding during the label production process.

Can I mark metal objects? Can I mark an item that has a high moisture content?
Yes. Radio waves bounce off metal and are absorbed by the air at higher frequencies. While that can make tracking metal objects or people with high water content problematic, planned system design and engineering can solve this problem.

What RFID reader?
The reader is basically a radio frequency transmitter and receiver, controlled by a microprocessor or digital signal processor. Reader, using an antenna attached, capture data from tags then passes the data to a computer for processing. Such as tags, readers come in various sizes and offer different features. Readers can be affixed in a stationary position (for example, in addition to a conveyor belt in a factory door or dock at a warehouse), portable (integrated into mobile computers that also can be used to scan bar codes), or even embedded in electronic equipment such as print-on- demand label printers

Whether the characteristics of the reader?
• Stationary or mobile (different RFID Reader Module)
• Hold the weather or industry standards
• Typical read range varies from a few centimeters to several meters
• Read range depends on:
o Broadcast signal strength
o The size of the transmitting antenna
o The size of the transponder antenna
o Environmental factors: metals, Liquid
• Reader with Multi-frequency capability

Read-only RFID reader device can only request or read information from the RFID tag nearby. The readers are found in fixed, stationary applications as well as portable and handheld varieties.

Read-write RFID reader Also known as encoders, these devices read and write (change) information in an RFID tag. Such as RFID encoders can be used to program information into an RFID tag empty. A typical application is to combine as RFID readers with barcode printers to print smart labels. Smart labels contain UPC bar code on the front with an RFID tag embedded in the rear.

What kind of antenna characteristics?
- Send and receive RF signals
- Usually made of copper or aluminum, new technologies for printed antenna
- Stationary or mobile
- Weather-proof / Industrialized

What considerations RFID system?
Read the terms of the distance
- Reading of various length
- Short Range read

- All the frequencies have their pros and cons

ISO standard
- Proprietary or standards-based

Government regulations
- Varies from country to country

Some Tag Reading the Same Field.
- Can be overcome by Anti-collision

Sensitivity to Orientation
- A single orientation or Omni-directional

Hardware Set-up
- The environment can affect the performance
Mac OS stands for Macintosh Operating System is a series of chart-based operating system developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh computer system and is not compatible with IBM-based PC.

Introduced in 1984, and its name was changed primarily to Mac OS in 1996 on version 7.6. Mac OS since 2006 has had compatibility with PowerPC and x86 architecture. This operating system is notorious for having an elegant graphic concept.

Mac OS X is the latest version of the Mac OS operating system for Macintosh computers. Character "X" is the Roman number means ten, where this version is the successor of the operating system used previously as Mac OS 8Mac OS 9. This operating system has several advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages and shortcomings of the present system of this operation are:

- "Time Machine", an application that serves to back up system and data changes automatically
- "Sherlock", an application that can find data disk, LAN networks and the Internet as a keyword
- It is difficult to viruses, malware, and spyware
- Display more glossy and elegant, suitable for design / multimedia
- Shutdown very fast. time to shutdown only takes 3-4 seconds.
- Get to know the file format of windows

- Expensive, sure to be one of Apple's own products and certainly very expensive.
- Not suitable for games and server applications
- More suitable for graphic design
- Mac OS can not be used together other operating systems that do not use Mac OS system.
- Mac OS can not be assembled because Apple is not giving licenses for other companies to make hardware that can use the Mac OS.
- Software in Mac OS is not so complete.

MAC OS X has a lot of advantages but also has many shortcomings so as to determine the operating system requires the right decision. It may seem quite expensive but worth the performance and appearance provided by the operating system.
One of the famous Linux distribution is Ubuntu version that has now been released in October 2012 12.10 yesterday. Very many benefits and advantages compared Ubuntu Windows 7 or even Windows 8 though. Some of the benefits and advantages of Ubuntu 12.10 is:

1. Free. There are two ways to get this OS, the first to be downloaded directly through the website without pay or, second pay replacement costs for chip DVD plus postage costs. And after that can be installed in several computers without having to pay again.

2. The content is very complete, there are many applications for Office, graphics processors and other applications that are very useful.

  1. Browsing: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Baidu.
  2. Applications Office: Libre Office (writer, Calc, Impress) as a replacement for MS Office 2010. Evolution Mail to organize mail and contacts. HomeBank to set up an account quickly and easily, Adobe Reader to read the PDF file format.
  3. Social and Email: Thunderbird, Empathy, Gwibber, Skype, Pidgin and others.
  4. Music and Mobile: Rythmbox, Banshee, Audacity, Jokosher, Clementine.
  5. Photo and Video: Organize photos and video easily, GIMP photo processing (Adobe Photoshop replacement) and Inkscape (successor Adobe Illustrator), Video Player and Edit Movie (PiTiVi, Movie Player, Open Shot). And still thousands more applications that are very useful. Everything was completely free.
  6. Getting Personal Cloud at 5 Gbyte.

3. Easy to learn.
    Inter-face look attractive, beautiful desktop display.

4. Faster and more assured security against viruses and malware than Windows OS.
     If you are very dizzy with the ever-growing number of virus attacks and security holes vulnerable gap in Windows. Not so with ubuntu. The amount of the virus relatively much less and more assured security.

5. Can be tried directly without installed.
      If unsure, you can try it first without installed. Live input stick or DVD, press the keyboard to select the boot device, enter and run the Ubuntu OS. Immediately appear and you can try all featuresnya. When you are confident of the benefits stay install.

6. Installation is also easy and fast.
     If you are lost, try visiting the website see step by step how to install. Uncomplicated and easy.

What are you waiting for? Try it now and feel the benefits with Linux Ubuntu 12:10. Before it's too late, exposed raids illegal software users.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Salah satu Distribusi Linux yang ternama adalah Ubuntu yang sekarang sudah merelease versi 12.10 pada Oktober 2012 kemarin. Sangat banyak manfaat dan kelebihan Ubuntu ini dibandingkan Windows 7 atau bahkan Windows 8 sekalipun. Beberapa manfaat dan kelebihan Ubuntu 12.10 adalah :

     1. Gratis. Ada dua cara untuk mendapatkan OS ini, pertama dengan download secara langsung melalui websitenya tanpa membayar atau, kedua membayar biaya pengganti untuk kepingan DVD ditambah biaya ongkos kirim. Dan setelah itu bisa diinstall disejumlah komputer tanpa perlu membayar lagi.

2. Isinya sangat lengkap, terdapat banyak aplikasi untuk Office, pengolah grafis dan aplikasi lainnya yang sangat bermanfaat.
2.1. Browsing : Mozila Firefox, Google Chrome, Baidu.
2.2. Aplikasi Office : Libre Office ( writer, Calc, Impress ) sebagai pengganti MS Office 2010. Evolution Mail untuk mengatur mail dan kontak. HomeBank untuk mengatur account secara cepat dan mudah, Adobe Reader untuk membaca file berformat PDF.
2.3. Social and Email : Thunderbird, Emphaty, Gwibber , Skype, Pidgin dan lainnya.
2.4. Music and Mobile : Rythmbox, Banshee, Audacity, Jokosher, Clementine.
2.5. Photo and Video : Mengorganisasi photo dan video secara mudah, Pengolah photo GIMP (pengganti Adobe Photoshop) dan Inkscape (pengganti adobe ilustrator), Video Player dan Edit Movie ( PiTiVi, Movie Player, Open Shot ). Dan masih ribuan lagi applikasi yang sangat bermanfaat. Semuanya itu serba gratis.
2.6. Mendapatkan Personal Cloud sebesar 5 GByte.

3. Mudah dipelajari. 
    Tampilan antar mukanya menarik, tampilan desktopnya indah.

4. Lebih cepat dan keamanannya lebih terjamin dari serangan virus dan malware dibandingkan OS Windows. 
     Bila anda sangat pening dengan banyaknya virus yang terus tumbuh menyerang dan celah lubang keamanan yang rentan pada Windows. Tidak demikian halnya dengan ubuntu. Jumlah virus relatip jauh lebih sedikit dan keamanan lebih terjamin.

5. Bisa dicoba secara langsung tanpa diinstall.  
      Bila tidak yakin, anda bisa mencobanya terlebih dahulu tanpa diinstall. Tinggal masukan Flashdisk atau DVD , tekan keyboard untuk memilih boot device, masuk dan jalankan OS Ubuntu . Langsung tampil dan anda bisa mencoba semua featuresnya. Bila sudah yakin akan manfaatnya tinggal install.

6. Instalasinya juga mudah dan cepat. 
     Bila masih bingung, coba kunjungi websitenya lihat step by step cara instalasinya. Tidak rumit dan mudah.

Tunggu apa lagi ? Coba sekarang dan rasakan manfaatnya dengan Linux Ubuntu 12.10. Sebelum terlambat, terkena razia pengguna software ilegal.

Baca artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris.

Read this article in English click on the image bellow !

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Oleh: Rohmat Muflikhul Huda

Kali ini saya menginstal Ubuntu 11.04  menggunakan laptop dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut:
Quick Spec: Intel Pentium Dual Core 2117U, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT720M 2GB , Camera, 14" HD. Untuk mengetahui spesifikasi laptopnya lebih lanjut dapat Klik disini.

Langsung saja kita kembali ke topik pembahasan utama yaitu langkah-langkah untuk menginstal Ubuntu 11.10 dengan menggunakan VMWare Workstation, berikut langkah-langkahnya.

  • Kemudian Pilih Create a New Virtual Machine

  • Pilih Mode Typical (Recomended) kemudian Next
  • Kemudian Pilih Installer Disc Image To Continue
  • Kemudian pilih Browse dan cari lokasi dimana anda menyimpan Master Ubuntu 11.10
  • Kemudian Klik Next.
  • Setelah muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini, isilah form tersebut dengan beberapa ketentuan yang tertera pada kotak dialog, untuk Full name, isi nama kamu, username: dengan toor, dan Password silahkan isi dengan root.

  • Kemudian klik Next, maka muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini,

  • Kemudian klik Next

Selanjutnya pilih Split Virtual disk into multiple files kemudian klik Next pada tahap ini, maka setelah selesai akan muncul kotak dialog seperti di bawah ini.

  •  Kemudian Klik Finish.
  • Setelah itu, tunggulah beberapa menit dan biarkan Ubuntu menyeting beberapa hal, seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Pada tahap ini Ubuntu sudah mulai berjalan di laptop teman-teman semua, tinggal menunggu beberapa Konfigurasi yang memakan banyak waktu. Tampilannya seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Setingan Konfigurasi seperti nampak pada gambar di atas memerlukan waktu cukup lama. Pada Instalan di laptop saya konfigurasi tersebut memakan waktu kurang lebih 2 jam, hehehe saya sampai bosan menunggunya. Namun hal itulah yang menjadi tantangan buat tean-teman untuk menginsatal Ubuntu 11.04, SABAR Teman :D 
  • Setelah tampilan beberapa konfigurasi di atas selesai maka kita akan dibawa ke tampilan awal Login untuk menggunakan Ubuntu 11.04. Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • Setelah tampilan tersebut keluar, silahkan temen-temen login berdasarkan akun yang telah temen-temen buat di awal tadi, ingat jangan lupa password ya :D, setelah itu langsung Login.
  • Begitu teman-teman berhasil untuk login maka temen-temen langsung dapat membuka Ubuntu dan bisa menjalankan Operating System Ubuntu tersebut, Seperti nampak pada gambar di bawah ini. 

  • Sampai tahap ini, maka selesailah tahapan untuk menginstal Ubuntu 11.04 dengna menggunakan VMWare Workstation. Terimakasih semoga dapat berkenan dan dapat memberikan ilmu serta pengetahuan bagi temen-temen semua, aminnnn.... :D

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